Accolades:  “The execution of Eke’s work ( Film portrait) showcased her aesthetic vision as a director, her capability of producing a high quality product from beginning to end and her competence in story telling. Besides that, she’s is a social miracle, when things go right but also when the going gets tough. That’s a quality I admire.” 
Jan Scholte, Filmmaker, Teacher, Coach and Producer in the field of Visual Interactive Design and Filmmaking. 

Amongst Us:  "AMONGST US; locally curated maps for global explorers.Amongst Us is an website filled with local city maps holding neighbourhood treasures. These maps are made by local people. As a customer (traveler) you are able to download these city maps solving the international problem of not knowing where to go when abroad."

Role:  Co-owner Amongst Us concept. My role was to actively work with the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas. In the 6 months me and my team designed, reviewed and kept  strengthening our concept. By using the lean startup approach we placed Amongst Us in the market as soon as possible to check feasibility. I co-organised the architecture of Amongst Us, from the legal conditions to project and time management. I was responsible for creating a high fidelity wire frame for our website developer and front end designer. Pitched Amongst Us to external producers, customers and stakeholders. Got designers and developers excited about the concept which resulted in receiving a total of €12800,- of product- and skill investmentIn addition I directed our first film portrait which was part of our sale strategy. We won third place out of the 38 groups that entered the sale strategy pitch of the 2016 alumni.

What did I do :
- Project managent/planning.
- Actively worked with BMC and VPC.
- Created a high fidelity wire frame.
- Copywriter website.
- Developed sale strategy + positioning.
- Pitching the company.
- Directed film portrait (commercial) "I am Sam, the strawberry-man".

Project description: Amongst Us is a start up co-created in my final year of University during the business minor at (ACE) Amsterdam Centre for Entrepreneurship. 

Project dates: 6 months - August 2015 to March 2016

Logo design: Bob Stel
Website design: Nessim Higgens
Website development: Jeffrey Raat